

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第772回 2023.4/29

古文研究法128-1 古文研究法187段より:よろづの道の人、たとひ不堪(ふかん)なりといへども堪能(かんのう)の非家(ひか)に並ぶ時、必ず勝(まさ)れることは、たゆみなく慎みて軽々しくせぬと、ひとへに自由なるとの等しからぬなり。



Suppose there is a professional of an art, and suppose he is not very good at the art.  Is he indeed superior to an excellent amateur ?  Yes, he is.  He makes it a rule never to handle his work roughly.  On the other hand, an excellent amateur is apt to go out of the usual formula to express his own aesthetic world.


It is no exaggeration to say that a specialist in any field, even if he is not so good, is surely superior to a skillful amateur.  The reason is that while the former always faces his work with all his energy, the latter has a tendency to do his work as freely as he pleases.

N君:先生の第2文冒頭部文の The reason is that ~ ですがこの that は because でもよいですか?

S先生:ここは because はダメで、that でなければなりません。