

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第773回 2023.4/30

古文研究法128-2 徒然草187段より:芸能・所作のみにあらず、おほかたのふるまひ・心使ひも、おろかにして慎めるは得のもとなり。巧みにして縦(ほしひまま)なるは失のもとなり。



The same is true not only of arts and technology, but also of your general behavior and mental attitude.  To be dull-witted but careful about everything is the cause of success, but to be skillful and extravagantly free is the cause of failure.

S先生:第1文の be true of ~ は「~にあてはまる」で作文では比較的よく使われます。ここではそれに not only A but also B が組み合わされていますね。

What is described above is true not only of arts and skills but also of your daily behavior and attitude.  You are sure to succeed if you deal carefully with anything, however dull you are, but you will suerly fail if you have your own way to show off your skillfulness arbitrarily.
