

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第759回 2023.4/16

古文研究法124-2 大鏡より:その遺言を母北の方忘れ給ふべきにあらねども、ものも覚えでおはしければ、思ふにし奉りてけるにや、枕返し何やと例のやうなる有り様どもにしてければ、帰り給はなりにけり。後に母北の方の御夢に見え給ひける。「しかばかり契(ちぎ)りしものを渡り川 帰るほどには忘るべしやは」とぞ詠み給ひける。いかにくやしく覚えけんな。


N君:「ものも覚えでおはしましければ」は、息子の死に際して母上が「取り乱していて」という状況を語っています。「思ふに」は「筆者が思ったことですが」で、このように古文では作者自身がちょいちょい顔を出すので厄介です。最後の一文「いかにくやしく覚えけんな」も作者の感想ですからね。「人のし奉りてけるにや」の「の」は主格です。このあたりは僕でも分かるようになりました。「枕返し」は妖怪の名前かと思いましたが「死者を北枕に置き換える作法」とのことでした。「え+否定語」は不可能です。義孝が母親の夢枕に立って詠んだ歌の中に出て来る「ほど」は「時間、頃」の意。歌末の「やは」は普通は反語ですがここでは「否定的な詠嘆」とでも言いましょうか、とにかく emotional な感じを受けます。

Although it was hardly possible that she forgot the promise, his funeral was ordinarily carried out probably by some ladies-in-waiting while his mother was in disorder out of grief.  The ceremonical procedure to turn the head of the dead toward the north was done solemnly according to custom.  Therefore he was forced to stay in another world and could not come back.  After that, he appeared in her dream, reciting a poem, "Tightly as you promised, you forgot all my words in a short while of my return from the border of life and death."  He must have been regrettable.


It can't be believed that his mother forgot Yoshitaka's last words.  But she was too much upset by his beath to know what to do.  some of her ladies-in-waiting were obliged to hold his funeral customarily with his head toward the north, so that his soul was unable to return to this world.  One night he appeared in her dream and chanted, "I made a solemn promise with you that I would surely come back to you, but much to my regret, you broke it while I was crossing the River that separates the living from the dead."  His regret is beyond my imagination.