

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第594回 2022.11/1

古文研究法42 大鏡:この殿ぞ藤氏(とうし、藤原氏を指す)の初めての太政大臣摂政し給ふ。めでたき御ありさまなり。和歌もあそばしけるにこそ。古今にもあまたはべるめるは。「前(さき)のおほいまうちきみ」とはこの御事なり。多かる中にもいかに御心ゆき、めでたく思(おぼ)えてあそばしけむと推し量らる。



Among Fujiwara clan, Lord Yoshifusa is the first man that is to assume the office of the Prime Minister.  He has a good figure.  I hear he is also able to compose good poems.  Some of them are selected and recorded in the Kokin-waka collection.  If you see a writer's name 'Ex-Prime Minister' in the collection, you should recognize it as Lord Yoshifusa.  Among a number of poems he made, the selected works are apparently the best ones that he must have composed with the greatest content and satisfaction.

S先生:第2文の He has a good figure. は外見上の素晴らしい様子を言っているようですが、私はそうではないと思います。太政大臣の役職に就任したことを赤染衛門は「素晴らしい御様子だ」と書いたのだと思いますので、私の作文ではそのように書きました。第5文の made はちょっと気が差します。ここは wrote か composed が良かったでしょう。

Lord Yoshifusa has been appointed Prime Minister Regent for the first time among Fujiwara clan.  He looks very pleased with his new duty.  It is said that many of the poems he has composed are recorded in Kokin, a collected work of poems.  "Ex-Prime Minister" refers to Lord Yoshifusa.  The best ones are recorded in it from among many poems of his own writing.  How satisfied and pleased he was when he composed those poems, I presume.

N君:「名詞+of one's own ~ing」というのは決まった言い方なのですか?

S先生:「自分で~した、、、」という意味で慣用句みたいなものです。たとえば some dishes of her own cooking とか an illustration of his own drawing とか。