

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第664回 2023.1/10

古文研究法78-1 徒然草137段より:花は盛り、月は隈なきをのみ見るものかは。雨に向かひて月を恋ひ垂れ込めて春の行方(ゆくへ)知らぬも猶(な)ほあはれに情深し。咲きぬべきほどの梢、散りしほれたる庭など見所多けれ。歌の詞書(ことばがき)にも「花見にまかれりける早く散り過ぎにければ」とも「障(さは)ることありてまからで」なども書けるは、「花を見て」と言へるに劣れることかは



Should we appreciate cherry blossoms only when they are in full bloom ?  Should we relish the moon only when it shines in the sky without a speck of cloud ?  It is also tasteful for us to adore the moon behind rainy clouds at night and be uncertain of spring passing into summer in a secluded cot.  We would rather be able to find more good points in branches where blossoms are going to come out and in gardens where many flowers are blown down by a storm.  In a foreword to a Japanese poem explaining where and why it was composed, we can sometimes find the following comments : "Although I went to see cherry blossoms, I could not enjoy because they had fallen."  or  "I could not go to see cherry blossoms out of an obstacle in my schedule."  On the other hand, we also find an ordinary comment : "Appreciating the beautiful blossoms, I have composed this poem."  Why on earth are the former poems inferior to the latter one ?  Even if the poem is an imaginary work, it should not be thought little of.

S先生:長い文章をよく工夫して作文していますね。京大の入試英語ではこれくらいの長さの作文が出ます。さて今回の作文も概ね良いのですが、指摘しておきたいことが色々あります。第3文 be uncertain of ~「~に確信が持てなくて」はここではちょっとずれています。この場面は「~に気付かなくて」と言いたいのですから be unaware of ~ のほうが適切でしょう。第4文は We would rather be able to find more good points in branches where ~ and in gardens where ~ という構成になっていますね。まずは more good points が変であり、それを言うなら better points でしょう。構成に気を取られて基本を忘れる、の好例で、これは私も自戒をこめて気をつけたい。次にこの文章自体がやや冗長なので、私なら、We would rather be attracted to branches where ~ and to gardens where ~ というふうに書きたいです。第5文に二つの see が出ましたがこれは「自然と目に入る」の意味であり、この場面では積極的に桜見物に出かけるわけですから、より能動的な watch のほうが良い、と私は思います。第8文は Even if the poem is an imaginary work, it should not be thought little of.「たとえ(実物を見ることなく)想像して歌を詠んだとしても、その想像の歌を軽視してはいけない」とN君は言っているのでしょう。意欲は認めますがこの英文自体分かり難いですし、原文にもない文章ですから、これは蛇足でした。実際の試験の場面では蛇足は禁物です。

Should we enjoy watching cherry blossoms only when they are in full bloom ?  Should we be impressed with the beauty of the moon only when the sky is clear and cloudless ?  Isn't it tasteful to yearn for the moon behind the clouds on a rainy night ?  Isn't it moving to stay indoors without knowing that spring is over ?  It is more attractive to watch the branches out of bloom and the gardens with withered trees and plants.  In forewords of poems we find the following words : "The blossoms were gone when I went to watch them."  or  "I was unable to go watching the blossoms because I had something else to do."  These are far more tasteful than the words : "Moved with the beauty of the blossoms, I have composed this poem."  Don't you think so ?


S先生:その通り。ところで私の第2文に the sky is clear and cloudless という部分がありますが、ここで気付くことが何かありませんか?


S先生:the sky is cloudless and clear ではなくて clear and cloudless になってます。


