

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第826回 2023.6/22

古文研究法149-3 伊勢物語より:京には見えぬ鳥なれば皆人知らず。渡守(わたしもり)に問ひければ「これなむ都鳥」と言ふを聞きて、(在原業平)「名にし負(お)はばいざ言問はむ都鳥 我が思ふ人はありやなしやと」と詠めりければ、舟こぞりて泣きにけり。



Not having seen the bird in Kyoto, we don't know its name.  We asked a ferryman about the name.  He said, "This is the Miyakodori."  Then Narihira composed a poem : "How lucky I am, hearing you have a name of Miyako !  I would like to inquire you after the health of my lover who lives in Miyako."  Touched by his fine poem, all the people there shed tears.

S先生:構成はとても良くてN君の作文力を充分感じることができます。第3文の This is the Miyakodori. の定冠詞は除外しましょう。第5文の would like to do「できれば~したいものだ」はちょっと意味が弱いので Let me inquire ~ のほうが良いでしょう。これに続く inquire you after the health of my love が微妙ですね。他動詞として使うなら inquire you about the health of my love ですが、いっそのこと自動詞として使ってyou を除外し inquire after my love「恋人の安否を尋ねる」とするのがスッキリして良いと思います。同じく第5文の lover はこれでよいのですがやや下品なので love に変えましょう。

Not having seen the bird in Kyo, none knew its name.  One of them asked a ferryman about what name the bird had.  He answered that it was called "Miyakodori."  Hearing him say so, Narihira composed a poem :  "If you have the name of Miyakodori, let me ask you whether (or not) my love in Kyo is getting along very well."  Moved by this hearty poem of his, all the people on board could not hold back their tears.