

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第662回 2023.1/8

古文研究法77-1 伊勢物語9段より:なほ行き行きて武蔵の国と下総の国との中にいと大きなる河あり、それを隅田川といふ、その川のほとりに群れ居て思ひやれば「限りなく遠くも来(き)にけるかな」と、わびあへるに、渡し守「はや船に乗れ、日も暮れぬ」と言ふに、乗りて渡らむとするに、皆人ものわびしくて、京に思ふ人無きにしもあらず。



Traveling on and on, Narihira's party got to a very big river named Sumida at the boundary between the countries of Musashi and Shimousa.  Gathering near the riverside and thinking about the remote Capital, they said to themselves pitifully, "We have come far away from Kyoto."  Then a boatman urged them to get on board, "Hurry up or it will get dark."  Having an air of willingness to go ahead, they all were anxious about their own fate.  Actually they thought of their lovers in Kyoto.

S先生:うん、とても良いです。英語で書かれた小説のレベルに迫るほどの自然な出来栄えです。特に第4文前半の分詞構文 Having an air of willingness to go ahead, の部分が小粋ですね。この調子でがんばろう。

Narihira and his party were still making a trip.  At last they came to a big river called the Sumida River separating Musashi from Shimousa.  Gathering around the riverbank and always thinking of Kyo, they repeated that they had come so far, when a boatman said, "Why don't you get on board right away.  It's going to get dark soon."  Though they thought that they had to do so, they were reluctant to go aboard, reminded of their lovers in Kyoto.

N君:先生の第3文後半に登場する when は普通の奴とはちょっと違う雰囲気を持っているように思います。

S先生:カンマで一旦途切れてからの when 節は、そのまま訳し下します。「そうしてその時 ~」でよいと思います。and then と同じなので作文で使ってみて下さい。