

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第663回 2023.1/9

古文研究法77-2 伊勢物語9段より:さるをりしも白き鳥の、嘴(くちばし)と足と赤き、鴫(しぎ)の大きさなる、水の上に遊びつつ魚(いほ)を食ふ。京には見えぬ鳥なれば、皆人知らず、渡し守に問ひければ「これなむ都鳥」と言ふを聞きて、「名にし負(お)はばいざ言問はむ都鳥 我が思ふ人はありやなしやと」と詠めりければ、舟こぞりて泣きにけり。



Just then they found several birds playing on the water and eating fishes.  The white bird the size of a snipe had red beaks and red legs.  Having never seen this kind of bird in Kyoto, they asked the boatman about it.  He answered, "This is Miyakodori."  Hearing that, Narihira improvised a poem : "If you have an honorable name of Miyako, I want to inquire after my lover in Kyoto."  Touched by the lyric, all members on the boat could not hold back tears.

S先生:良いです。第2文主部 A the size of B「BサイズのA」という言い方は案外大切です。ここでも適切に使うことが出来ました。第3文前半の分詞構文ですが、 Never having 、、、に変えて下さい。分詞構文では否定語は分詞の前に置きます。第4文の inquire after ~「~の安否を気遣う」はこの場面にピッタリのイディオムでした。

Just then a white bird with red beaks and legs as large as a snipe was eating fish playing around on the water.  No one had seen such a bird in Kyo that one of them asked what the bird was.  Then the boatman said, "It is called 'miyakodori.'"  Hearing him say so, Narihira composed : "If you have a grand name of Miyako, I'd like to ask you whether my love in Miyako is leading her days in good health."  Moved with its impressiveness, all the men on board were choked with tears.