古文研究法117-3 芦刈(谷崎潤一郎)より:それにつけても「ゆふべは秋と何思ひけむ」と後鳥羽院がおっしゃったように、もしこの夕暮れが春であって、あのおっとりとした山の麓に紅の霞がたなびき、川の両岸・峯や谷の所々に桜の花が咲いてゐたら、どんなにかまた温かみが加わるであらう。思ふに、院のお眺めになったのはさういふ景色であったに違ひない。
By the way, the retired Emperor Gotoba composed the famous poem here in spring : "Why have I believed that the evening is best in autumn ?" Standing here now in autumn, I said to myself, "If today's evening were in spring, if clouds stained red were trailing over the foot of the quiet mountains, and if cherry blossoms were in bloom at the riversides or the hill or the valley, I could feel the warmth of this landscape more." I think that the view Gotoba saw in spring 800 years ago must have been the one as I imaged just now.
S先生:第1文後半、後鳥羽院の歌ですが、Why have I believed that the evening is best in autumn ? の the evening に違和感があります。おそらくこの定冠詞は不要でしょう。
By the way, the retired Emperor Gotoba expressed himself in one of his famous poems : "I think it wrong for me to have thought that an autumn evening is the most moving. How much more impressive is a spring evening !" If this were the scene of a spring dusk, if a reddish mist were hanging at the foot of the quiet hill, and if the cherry trees were in full bloom at the riversides, at the hill and in the valley, how warm I would feel ! I think it must have been this view that Gotoba watched with interest long, long ago.
N君:第2文の感嘆文 How much more impressive is a spring evening ! の後半は、本来 a spring evening is ! となるハズですが、、、。
S先生:本来 S+V となるはずですが、Sが重いので後置しました。軽前重後です。