

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第572回 2022.10/10

古文研究法26-1 増鏡:上(うへ)その道を得給へば下もおのづから時を知るならひにや、男も女もこの御代にあたりて良き歌詠み多く聞こえはべりし中に、宮内卿の君(くないきょうのきみ)と言ひしは、まだ若き齢(よはひ)にて(そこひ)もなく深き心ばえをのみ詠みしこそいと有り難けれ。


N君後鳥羽上皇が催した歌会にまだ若い宮内卿が抜擢されて出場し見事な歌を詠んだ、というお話です。主格を表す「の」がここにも出ました。「心ばえ」は「心映え」でしょうか、「趣のあること」の意だそうです。形容詞「ありがたし」は「有り難し」なので rare の意です。今の意味とは違います。

It was natural that the art of Japanese poetry became popular in ordinary people during the rule of the ex-Emperor Gotoba who was good at it.  Among a lot of prominent poets, there was an excellent and young woman called 'Kunaikyo-no-Kimi,' who always wrote her poems in an elegant style.  It was rare for a young lady like her to know a lot about the aesthetic.


When upper class people are good at the art of poetry, naturally ordinary people are attracted to it.  There were many excellent male and female poets when the ex-Emperor Gotoba reigned over this country.  Among them, a lady called 'Kunaikyo-no-Kimi' wrote numbers of elegant and tasteful poems though she was very young.  She was probably the most profound poet we had ever had.