

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第573回 2022.10/11

古文研究法26-2 増鏡:この千五百番の歌合(うたあはせ)の時、院の上(いんのうへ、後鳥羽上皇を指す)のたまふやう「こたみ(この度)は皆世にゆりたる古き道の者どもなり。宮内卿はまだしかるべけれども、(け)しうはあらずと見ゆればなむ。かまへてまろが面(おもて)起こすばかり良き歌つかうまつれ」と仰せらるるに、おもて打ち赤らめて涙ぐみてさぶらひけるけしき、限りなき数寄(すき)のほどもあはれにぞ見えける。



When the Imperial Poetry Party for composing 1500 poems was held under the lead of Gotoba, He said, "Today I'm glad to see you all who are admitted to be experts in this art.  Although some people may think that Kunaikyo is too premature to attend this meeting, I believe she is O.K.  Kunaikyo, I expect that you will compose a masterpiece which can make me lift my face."  Hearing the honorable words, she went red in the face and was on the verge of tears.  I saw favorably her eagerness for poems in the way she was deeply moved by His encouragement.

S先生:だいたい良いですが語法的に違和感のある所を指摘しておきましょう。第1文の you all who are admitted to be experts ですが admitted は considered のほうが自然です。He admitted his guilt to the police.「罪を認めた」のような時に admit を使うのは良いですが、ここでは「大衆が~と考えている」という場面ですから consider のほうが適切でしょう。第3文の make me lift my face 「私の顔を上げさせる」はあまりにも逐語的なので、内容に沿って surprise me「私を驚かせる」としましょう。

When a poetry party for versifing at the Imperial Palace, Gotoba, the ex-Emperor, said, "All of you who have participated in today's party are considered to be experts in composing tankas in the world.  I don't mind Kunaikyo taking part in this party, however young she may be.  I hope you, Kunaikyo, will write a poem which makes me surprised."  Hearing His gracious words, she blushed with embarrassment and was filled with tears.  That manner of hers moved Him very much, for He saw it in her expression that she was trying eagerly to compose an excellent tanka which would satisfy Him.

N君:verse「詩歌」、versify「詩歌を作る」。S先生の作文の最後のところに出てくる try to compose は「試しに作る」ではなくて「頑張って作ろうとする」の意ですね。
