

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第592回 2022.10/30

古文研究法40 増鏡:東(あずま)にもいみじうあわて騒ぐ。さるべくて身の失(う)すべき時にこそあんなれ、と思ふものから、討手(うって)の攻め来たりなむ時に、はかなきさまにて屍(しかばね)をさらさじ、公(おほやけ)と聞こゆとも自らし給ふことならねば、かつは我が身の宿世(すくせ)をも見るばかり、と思ひなりて、弟の時房と泰時という一男と、二人を頭(かしら)として雲霞の兵(つはもの)をたなびかせて都にのぼす。



Ex-Emperor Gotoba promulgated an order to hunt down Yoshitoki, which made warriors in eastern countries dismayed.  Yoshitoki said to himself, "I am doomed to die in the dispute.  But I would rather avoid being slain in an awkward way when Gotoba's army attacks Kamakura.  Since His army is controled not by Himself but by His hangers-on in the Court, I am determined to try my luck by fighting against it."  Yoshitoki designated his younger brother Tokifusa and his elder son Yasutoki as generals of his troops, assembled a number of soldiers, and dispatched them to Kyoto.

S先生:今日の作文は Excellent !  Much better than my translation !  です。腕を上げました。使われた単語に少々違和感がありますのでその部分だけ指摘します。第2文の dispute ですが、これは「体を使った闘争ではなくて口論・議論」という意味ですから、ここでは体を使って争う battle などのほうが適切でしょう。第3文の His hangers-on in the Court に使われた hangers-on というのは「取り巻き・子分・手下」の意味であって、もしも親分が山賊やヤクザならこれでよいですが、ここでは後鳥羽院ですからね。hangers-on という単語は少々品がありません。

Hearing the rumor that ex-Emperor's forces might attack the Kamakura government, people were thrown into confusion.  Yoshitoki said to himself, "Now is the time for me to die in the battle.  But I don't want to be killed in a mean way, when they come to attack us.  The orders having been given by ex-Emperor, He Himself won't command His forces.  It might be good to leave y fate to Heaven."  Yoshitoki decided to fight against them.  He appointed his younger brother Tokifusa and his son Yasutoki as commanders, gatherd a large number of soldiers, and ordered them to attack ex-Emperor's army in Kyoto.