

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第88回 2021.6/14



N君:When she was going back to her private house, He entered her room again, but He would not allow her to leave though He had permitted her to use a handcart when she left the Palace.  He appealed to her, "We know that we are doomed to die at any time.  However, have you forgotten our tight promise to pass away simultaneously ?  You cannot go home alone leaving me behind, can you ?"

S先生:Though He had permitted her to leave on a hand-drawn carriage at one point, He retracted His previous permission ; He would not let her go home.  He said, "It is our doom that we will go to the next world some day.  But haven't we vowed that we will go there together ?  Why are you going home alone, leaving me behind ?  I can't believe you."

N君:simultaneously を考え付くのに together を考え付かない僕の作文の硬さを思い知らされました。S先生第1文の at one point は「ある時点では、いったんは」の意。第2文は「主節が現在完了で that節の中味が will なのはおかしい」と感じる人もいると思います。僕もそう思ってS先生に尋ねたところ、「現在完了なので時制の一致はしない。ちなみに will は未来ではなく意志を表している。もし推量なら would を使ってもよい」との返答でした。


女も「限りとて別るる道の悲しきに いかまほしきは命なりけり。いとかく思う給へましかば」と息も絶えつつ、聞こえまほしげなる事はありげなれど、いと苦しげにたゆげなれば、かくながら、ともかくもならむを御覧じはてむとおぼしめすに、



Although having difficulty in breathing, she replied to the Emperor feebly, "Yes, we are doomed to die at any time.  Yet when I face my own death, I am grieved that I must part from you.  I do not want to pass away alone but want to live with you.  If I had known today's grief, I should have refrained from serving You."  She seemed to want to say more but was too exhausted to do so.  Looking at her pitiful figure, He thought that He would take care of her and watch her death to the end in the Palace though He understood death was one of hatred there. 

S先生:冒頭部の in は省略可能ですが、なければないでちょっとドキッとしますね。これについては数回前の英作談義で触れました。桐壺更衣の和歌の前半に出て来た at any time「いつでも」はちょっと違う。これは Come to see me at any time.「いつでも会いにおいで」という具合に使います。ちなみに at はなくてもよいし、any time は anytime でもOKです。今回の場合は「いつでも」というよりは「いつかは」という感じなので some time に変えるほうが良いと思います。ちなみに sometime でも some day でも someday でもOKです。Someday he will notice it.「あいつもいつか気付くよ」 というような感じでしょう。和歌後半部分の should have refrained from serving ですが、もっと素直に should not have served でもよいと思いました。最後のところの one of hatred ですが、abominable とか detestable のような形容詞のほうがしっくりくると思いますがどうでしょうか。ところで hatred のスペルに注意して下さい。hatered と書く生徒が多いです。

Kiritsubo, who was going to pass away any minute, might have thought herself too miserable.  "Though we are doomed to go to the next world someday, I feel sad that we must part from each other.  It is not the way that I want to take, but this life that I want to live.  If I had known that this world be our fate、、、."  What was she going to say further ?  She seemed to still have something to say, but this was all she could say feebly.  And she left in so painful a way.  The Emperor said to Himself, "Oh, never mind.  I know death is abominable in the Palace, but I will see the last moment of her death."


(桐壺更衣家人)「けふ始むべき祈りども、さるべき人々うけた まはれる、こよひより」と聞え急がせば、わりなく思ほしながらまかでさせ給ふ。


N君:However, the followers of Kiritsubo prevailed upon the Emperor to make her leave, saying, "The prayer for her recovery, assigned to high-ranking monks, is to begin this evening."  Therefore He reluctantly accepted her going away from the Palace, veiling His affection for her in His mind.

S先生:But things would not go as He thought.  The chamberlains said to Him, "High-ranking priests are to conduct a praying service for her this evening."  So in grief He let her and her maids go back home.

N君:chamberlain「侍従」。conduct は「案内する」の意かと思っていたが、conduct a praying service という形で使われるとは意外です。