

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第101回 2021.6/27



N君:As the Emperor treated her with an excessive favorism, Princesses felt jealous of her without any reasons.  But now they realized that she should not be blamed.  Ladies serving the Emperor were also nostalgic about her elegant and considerate humanity.

S先生:were also nostalgic about のところは「故郷をしのぶ」の意なのでここでは不適切で、単に thought of くらいのほうが良いでしょう。最後の humanity は大仰なので personarity くらいが良いでしょう。

Thinking of her yearningly, the ladies serving the Emperor said to one another, "She was not wrong at all.  His majesty loved her so unreasonably that we became jealous of her.  But she had a lovely and compassionate character."

N君:yearn は「恋い焦がれる」という意の自動詞です。ゆえにS先生の作文の冒頭に出て来た分詞構文は「(好意的な気持ちで)桐壺更衣の生前の姿をしみじみと思い浮かべながら」という意味だろうと思います。とてもよく感じが出ていると思いました。