

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第100回 2021.6/26



N君:On the other hand, there were some discreet Princess.  They recalled her beautiful figure, polite temper and kind character, just then when she had passed away from this world.

S先生:But all the ladies were not ill-natured.  There were some ladies who behaved reasonably.  They recalled Kiritsubo as a lady who had been beautiful, composed, and difficult to find fault with.

N君:find fault with「人を非難する」=criticize はよいとして、It is difficult for us to criticize her. は分かるのですが、She is difficult to criticize. という言い方はOKなのだろうか。もしOKなら She is difficult to find fault with. という言い方もOKとなる。

S先生:It is difficult to please her. を She is difficult to please. と言い換えることができます。ゆえに It is difficult to find fault with her. を She is difficult to find fault with. と言い換えることができます。