

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第95回 2021.6/21



N君:As the Emperor had to get things along, they desided to cremate the body of Kiritsubo in an usual manner. However, her mother, Kitanokata, cried, "I also want to be cremated and go up to the sky with her."  She compulsorily rode into the ladies-in-waiting's vehicle to carry her daughter’s body to the crematory and at last reached Otagi where the funeral was held solemnly.  How helpless she felt then !

S先生 ではなく et al. です。「およびその他の者」の意で引用論文の著者名を書く時などによく使われますので覚えておくべきでしょう。get things along は「物事をそのまま流れに乗せて前へ進める」くらいの意で、ここで用いたのは適切でした。これを見ただけで採点者としては「おぬし、なかなかやるな」と感じます。以前にも言いましたが「固有名詞に関係詞が付く場合には必ず固有名詞の後にカンマを打っていったん関係詞から離す」必要があります。よってここは Otagi, where ~ としなければなりません。

But there must be an end to anything in the world, so it was decided to cremate her remains in the usual way. But Kiritsubo's mother said sobbing, "I wish I, too, could rise to the heaven with the smoke." Though it was a custom for the mother of the deceased not to attend the funeral, she dared to ride in the hearse and reached the field of Otagi, where the funeral was solemnly being held.  Who knows what her feeling were then ?

N君:dare to do「あえて~する」を知ってはいても、作文の時に頭に浮かぶか否かが問題です。hearse「霊柩車」。