

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第857回 2023.7/23

古文研究法154-2 平家物語より:雲海沈々として晴天既に暮れなんとす。孤島に夕霧隔てつつ海上に浮かぶ。極浦の浪を分け、汐(なぎさ)に引かれ行く舟は半天の雲に遡(さかのぼ)る。日数(ひかず)(ふ)れば都は山川程を隔てつつ遠国(おんごく)はまた近くなる。はるばる来ぬと思ふにも尽きせぬものは涙なり。



The boundary between clouds and sea is in the silence of twilight.  The small island is screened by an evening mist.  To my surprise, in this area far from the capital, the moon looks like floating on the sea.  A ship on a tidal current plows the waves along a long and meandering shore.  It just like pushes its way through a white mist in midair.  Spending day after day in my travel, I find the capital far away behind mountains and rivers.  Now the country which I thought was remote has become near.  Looking back the long journey, I can not hold back my tears.

S先生:全文を基本的に現在時制で通しておりイキイキした感じが出ています。よく工夫された作文でほとんど言うことはありませんが、一つだけ言っておきましょう。第5文末の mountains and rivers ですが、長短の単語を並列する場合には発音的に「短 and 長」の順序としましょう。したがってここでは rivers and mountains です。

A sea of clouds spread silently over the sea.  A blue sky is changing into a dark one.  A solitary island is hidden by an evening mist.  The moon is shining brightly on the sea.  Our boat is sailing against the waves and with the tide along the shore.  Sometimes it looks as if it were going up into the clouds in midair.  As the days go on, the capital seems to be far and far away separated by rivers and mountains.  What a great distance we have sailed from Kyo !  Thinking of the hardships during the sea voyage, we are moved to tears inspite of ourselves.