

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第784回 2023.5/11

古文研究法133-1 平家物語「海道くだり」より:都を出でて日数(ひかず)(へ)れば、弥生(やよひ)もなかば過ぎ春も暮れなんとす。遠山の花は残りの雪かと見えて浦々島々霞み渡り、来し方行く末の事どもを思ひ続け給ふに(平重衡)「さればこれはいかなる宿業のうたてさぞ」と宣(のたま)ひてただ尽きぬものは涙なり。御子の一人もおはせぬ事を母の二位殿(清盛妻=重衡母)も嘆き、北の方大納言の典侍(すけ)殿(=重衡妻)も、本意(ほい)なきことにしてよろづの神仏に祈り申されけれどもそのしるし無し。



Quite a long period has passed since Shigehira's party set out from Kyo.  Spring has been advancing at the corner of mid-March.  Cherry blossoms blooming in the remote mountains look like remaining snow.  Mountains, rivers and sea islands are veiled in spring haze in every corner of the land.  Seeing the natural landscape and thinking of the past or the future, Shigehira said with his tears falling down incessantly, "Why on earth have I underwent  a serious accusation like this ?  Is this my doom ?"  His mother, Nii-dono, and his wife, Dainagon-no-suke-dono, are grieving over his misfortune, saying, "He does not have any sons."  They prayed to all the Shinto deities and Buddha for his safe return though he left for his final journey to death penalty in Kamakura.

S先生:第2文の at the corner of mid-March「3月中旬を過ぎた頃で」、第4文の in every corner of the land「国中のあちこちで」、という表現はとてもこなれていて良かったです。corner という単語を時間的にも場所的にも駆使しているところに好感。こういうちょっとしたところに英語らしさが現れます。褒めたと思ったら基本的な間違いが飛び出しました。第7文 He does not have any sons.「重衡に子は無い」では any sons が間違いで、ここは any son にして下さい。

It has been many days since Shigehira's party left for Kamakura.  The middle of March has already passed, spring coming to an end.  The cherry blossoms on distant hills looked as if they were remaining snow.  A thick mist lay over inlets and islands.  Looking at such scenery, Shigehira went on thinking over his past and future, saying to himself with tears, "What fate on earth has brought me to such a miserable situation ?"  His mother, Nii-dono deplores that he has no children, and his wife, Dainagon-no-suke, also thinks it a great pity.  If he were executed, they would have no heir.  They prayed to all Gods for his being blessed with a boy, but in vain.

N君:先生の第7文に出てきた execute「演奏する」「実施する」ですが、このままでは意味が通らないと思います。

S先生:この execute は「罪人に対して死刑を執行する」の意味です。したがってここは If he were executed, they would have no heir.「もし重衡が処刑されるのなら、二位殿にも大納言典侍殿にも跡継ぎがいなくなる」となります。ついでながらこの heir「後継ぎ」は successor 「後継者」とは違って、血縁関係を持っています。また発音が air「空気」とまったく同じ、という点も覚えておいてもらいたいです。
