

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第766回 2023.4/23

古文研究法125-3 十訓抄より:花園の大臣の御もとに初めて参りたる侍の、名簿(みょうぶ)に「能は歌詠み」と書きたりけり。殿、秋のはじめに南殿(なでん)に出でて機織(はたおり)の鳴くを愛しておはしましけるに、暮れければ「下格子(げこうし)に人参れ」と仰せられけるに、「蔵人五位たがひて人も候(さぶら)はぬ」と申して、この侍の参りたるを、「ただ、おのれ、おろせ」とありければ、まゐりたるに、「汝は歌詠みとな」とありければ、かしこまりて格子降ろしさして候ふに、、、、、



There was a warrior who came to work for the first time at the villa of Hanazono Minister.  He wrote in his personal resume that he was good at poems.  One day in early autumn, the Minister appeared in a south-facing room to enjoy the chirping of grasshoppers.  Noticing that it was getting dark, he said, "Isn't there anyone ?  Come to shut down the latticed windows."  Happening to hear the order, the newly-hired warrior said, "Unfortunately there are no members of Kurodo in the fifth rank.  Here is no one but me."  The Minister said to him, "I don't care about the rank.  You, pull them down."  Seeing the warrior begin to work, the Minister said again, "I hear you are fond of composing a poem."  Surprised at the Minister's unexpected words, the warrior got strained and stopped the work.

S先生:うん、いいですね。肩の力も適度に抜けて良い作文ができました。第5文の shut down the latticed windows と、第9文の pull them down を比べて、語順に注意しておきましょう。この程度のことは今のN君には常識でしょうけどね。

A warrior, who was going to serve Minister Hanazono as a new vassal, wrote in his resume that he was a person absorbed in composing poems.  One day in early autumn, the Minister enjoyed listening to the chirping of grasshoppers at a room facing south.  Soon it began to get dark.  He ordered that some valet (should) come to pull down the latticed windows.  The warrior, who happened to come and see the Minister for the first time, heard the order and said, "I'm sorry, but there seems to be no one in charge."  The Minister said, "I don't mind who will put down the windows.  Why don't you do the work ?"  Obeying him, the new vassal got to work, when the Minister said, "I hear you are famous as an excellent poet."  He was moved with such high praise that he was unable to continue the work, leaving the windows half pulled down.

N君:valet, vassal ともに「従者」です。subordinate という単語もありました。