

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第728回 2023.3/16

古文研究法111-1 枕草子第3段より:七日、白馬(あをうま)見にとて里人は車清げに仕立てて見に行く。中の御門(なかのみかど、待賢門)とじきみ引き過ぐるほど、頭一所(かしらひとところ)ゆるぎあひて、挿櫛(さしぐし)も落ち、用意せねば折れなどして笑ふもまたをかし。左衛門の陣のもとに殿上人などあまた立ちて舎人(とねり)の弓ども取りて馬ども驚かし笑ふを、はつかに見入れたれば、立蔀(たてじとみ)などの見ゆるに、主殿司(とのもりづかさ)・女官などの行き違ひたるこそをかしけれ。



The ceremony of white horses is held on January the seventh.  Riding on neatly decorated carriages, courtiers go out of their private villas to see the festival.  When they, on the carriages, stride across the threshold of the Taikenmon Gate, some of them hit their heads with each other.  Then they happen to drop a comb from their forehead.  Taking little care of that, they sometimes have it broken.  Picking up the broken comb, they smile elegantly.  I think the scene is tasteful.  Many aristcrats of high rank can be seen near the waiting room for men of Saemon-fu.  They borrow a bow from one of the warriors and snap its chord playfully to threaten the horses.  I look out at the smile-provoking scene through a reed screen of an ox carriage.  Just then I could see female servants, who I think were in the rank of Tonomorizukasa and Nyokan, coming and going busily near the latticed wooden wall over there.  It seems tasteful, too.

S先生:ウーン何といいますか、原文は「歴史的現在」で書かれていて、N君もそれに沿って現在形で作文しているわけですが、何となく違和感を覚えますね。私は過去形で作文してみました。第5文前半の分詞構文 Taking little care of that「そのことに注意を払わないので」はちょっと違って、For their carelessness「不注意のために、不注意な場合は」のほうが原文に合っていると思いました。第9文の chord は「楽器の弦」であり、ここでは「弓の弦」ですから string のほうが適切でしょう。第10文の the smile-provoking scene「笑いを引き起こす光景」はひどいです。こんな英語はありません。N君の悪いところ・硬いところが出ましたね。ここは the amusing scene くらいでどうですか。

The ceremony for driving evil spirits by a parade of white horses was held as usual on January the seventh.  The court officers who were permitted to take days off, went out to watch the ceremony riding in their ox-drawn carriages decorated beautifully.  When the carriages were crossing the threshold of the Taikenmon Gate, they hopped up and down.  Some of the men hit their heads with each other, when their combs dropped and were broken.  It made them laugh very much.  Many high-ranking officials stood near the waiting room for the guards of Saemon-fu.  It was great fun to see them pretending to shout the houses with the bows borrowed from the guards and threatening them.  It was also fun to see low-ranking court ladies coming and going restlessly around the latticed boarding over there.

N君:先生の第4文の ~, when ~ は「そうしてその時」と訳し下げる感じですか?

S先生:そうです。 when の接続用法などと呼ばれていますが要するに and then と同じですね。