

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第729回 2023.3/17

古文研究法111-2 枕草子第3段より:いかばかりなる人、九重(ここのへ)をならすらむなど思ひやらるるに、内にて見るはいと狭(せば)きほどにて、舎人(とねり)の顔の衣(きぬ)に洗(あら)はれ、まことに黒きに、白きもの行きつかぬところは雪のむらむら消え残りたる心地していと見苦しく、馬のあがり騒ぐなどもいと恐ろしう見ゆれば、引き入れられてよくも見えず。



I said to myself, "Who on earth is lucky enough to behave easy in the Court as if it were his own house ?"  However, it seems to be a common and narrow place to those in power who strut around it every day.  A guard made himself up with white powder on his face.  Rubbed by his clothes, some parts of his face lost white powder.  Suntanned skin emerged here and there as if the snow in a garden was begining to thaw.  It is an unsightly scene.  In addition to that, I got scared by the horses which were prancing with the creaky sound from a bow.  Therefore I drew back behind the reed curtain of my carriage so that I might refrain from looking thoughtlessly around here and there.

S先生:N君の作文がどうこうというよりも、原文自体に芯がないので、筆者が何を言いたいのかよくわかりませんね。このような作文はちょっとやる気が出ませんね。第5文末の with the creaky sound from a bow「弓から出るキーキーした音で」は、前回の内容を踏まえた作文なのでしょうが、ここではどうでしょうか。少なくとも原文にはない内容なので、試験では減点されるかもしれませんね。

What kind of people would behave themselves in the Court as willfully as they could ?  If you entered there, you would find it a very narrow place.  Though the guards looked fair-complexioned with their faces powered, they were really suntanned after they were rubbed by their clothes.  The parts they failed to powder looked dirty like lingering patches of snow.  I was so scared to see a horse prancing around that I hid myself behind the reed blind of my carriage, hardly able to see the scenes.