古文研究法94 源氏物語夕顔より:暁(あかつき)近くなりにけるなるべし、隣の家々あやしき賤(しづ)の男(を)の声々、目覚まして「あはれ、いと寒しや。今年こそ生業(なりはひ)にも頼む所少なく田舎の通(かよ)ひも思ひかけねばいと心細けれ。北殿こそ、聞き給ふや」など言ひ交すも聞こゆ。
It has been toward daybreak. In the house next door lowly men woke up, saying loudly, "Ah, it is cold. To my regret I won't be able to rely on the income from my business this year. I am not inclined to call on clients in rural regions. I feel uneasy. Hey, you next door to the north, can you hear my complaints ?" I could catch this kind of a mean conversation.
S先生:第2文冒頭の In the house next door lowly men woke up, に少し違和感があります。普通に A lowly man next door woke up, で何の問題もないと思います。第6文の呼びかけ部分 you next door to the north「北方向のお隣さん」ですが、家と家がくっついている北隣ならば「接触」を意識して to ではなくて on にするのが良いでしょう。第7文 I could catch this kind of a mean conversation. でも分からなくはないですが、何となく硬いし could がいけません。can の単純な過去形としては was able to を使う方が良くて、could だと仮定法のことを考えなくてはならなくなり誤解を生む可能性があります。そもそもこの文に can の意味が必要でしょうか? 普通に I heard him speaking to his neighbor meanly like this. で充分でしょう。
Day is going to break. A lowly man next door woke up and said in a loud voice, "How cold it is this morning ! It does not seem that my job will go well this year. I am in no mood to go to the country to sell my goods." And he dared to ask his neighbor on the north, "Hey, you, can you hear me grumbling about my work ?"
N君:先生の第5文に「接触の on」が出ました。