

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第417回 2022.5/9




Contrary to her solemn attitude toward her brother, she thought inwardly, "Ah, If only I were not in this lowly rank.  If my father still lived, If I were still enjoying a brilliantly adolescent age in my parental home, and if i were looking forward to seeing Lord Genji without the slightest inferiority complex, I would be sure to feel happy.  But I am now badly off.  For all that I am well aware of his favorable proposal for me, I cannot but neglect it, which will make him regard me as an indiscreet woman."  Although she was determined to keep her behavior under control, she was torn and attracted by his charm.  At last she decided to be thought an inconsiderate woman.  She was virtually in such an unhappy fate no matter how eagerly she struggled to float up.

S先生:今日もいろいろあります。第1文の her solemn attitude「姉君の弟に対する威厳ある態度」は、solemn が強すぎます。strict くらいでどうでしょうか。第5文の For all that ~「~であるにもかかわらず」は久しぶりに見た譲歩節の構文でした。悪いというわけではないが、ちょっと奇をてらっている感じもあります。それはよいとして、この文は長すぎるので、主節の I cannot but neglect it, を、I am neglecting it. として一旦ピリオドを打ち、次の which will make him regard me as ~ を、He must regard me as ~ くらいに変えてみてはどうでしょうか。このほうがスッキリすると思います。第7文の she decided to be thought an inconsiderate woman は、受け身の不定詞が、文法的には正しくても、文章として不自然な気がします。she decided to accept that she was an inconsiderate woman くらいに順並びにするのが良いでしょう。第8文に出た副詞 virtually は要注意です。形容詞virtual は「仮想上の」の意も確かにありますが「実際の、事実上の」の意で使われることのほうが多く、副詞virtually になるとほぼ「事実上」の意で actually とあまり変わりません。ここでもN君は「名目ではそうじゃないかもしれないが実際には」の意で virtually を使っていて、正しく使えています。

While saying so, she was torn between conflicting feelings.  How happy she might be if she did not fall low, if she were still in the house with good old memories of her dear father, and if she were looking forward to Lord Genji's infrequent visits !  Though she knew well how tenderly he was longing for her, she was spending her days ignoring his affections for her.  She was sure that he considered her to be unaware of her place.  However crazy she might be, she must admit that she was in a destiny not worth consideration.  She did not mind his thinking of her as a cold-hearted and disgusting woman.