

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第395回 2022.4/17




"Ouch !"  Startled to see her figure, Genji shouted in spite of himself.  It was dark around there.  Wondering whose voice it would be, she fumbled for him.  Soon she could understand the man in the dark to be the very Genji because of his wonderful scent.  No doubt he was Genji.  Surprised to know he was Genji, Chujo-no-kimi was at a loss what to do.  She could not find any appropriate words.  If he had been an insignifficant man, she might have pulled him away from her Mistress by force.  But, even in that case, she had to handle things carefully lest people should know the situation by screaming carelessly.  What should she do ?  Bewildered by the unbelievable scene,  she ran after Genji, who strode with the Mistress still in his arms.  He did not seem shaken at all and entered the secluded bedroom quietly.

S先生:文章に流れがあって大変良いのですが、数か所指摘しておきます。第4文の understand the man in the dark to be the very Genji は力のこもった表現ですが、前後の文章との重なりが大きくて「屋上屋」の感ありです。ここはあっさりと understand who he was くらいにとどめておきましょう。第9文の lest節「不用意に金切声をあげて皆が状況に気づく、というようなことがあってはいけないので」は立派な作文ですが、people は「一般的な人々」ではなくて「そこに居る人々」なのですから、定冠詞を付けるべきでしょう。第11文の scene は普通「事故や犯罪の現場」といったニュアンスを含んでいるので、ここではふさわしくないと思います。things くらいに変えるほうが良いでしょう。

”Ah !" cried Genji in surprise.  It was very dark around there.  She groped her way to find who had uttered.  The fragrance soon told her who he was.  Oh, it was Genji !  What should she do ?  She just stood in bewilderment, not knowing what to say.  If he had been an ordinary man around there, she might have pulled him apart from her Mistress with all her might.  But if she should raise her voice carelessly, all the ladies-in-waiting woud realize what was happening.  What should she do ?  Put in a difficult situation, Lady Chujo followed Genji, who was holding her Mistress in his arms.  Quite unmoved, Genji went into his back bedroom quietly.

N君:描出話法が多用されていて、文章がイキイキしています。先生の作文の最後の文では、文頭の副詞 quite と、文末の副詞 quietly が、そこはかとなく韻を踏んでいるように見えるのですが、、、。
