

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第386回 2022.4/8


源氏が「されば伊予介はその後妻を大切にしているのか? 身分から言えば”我が君”くらいには思っているであろうな」と問うと、紀伊守は「なんとそのとおりで。父は内々には自分の主人がこの妻だと思っていて、下にも置かぬもてなしようですが、いかになんでもあのような高齢で娘ほどの年の後妻にかしづくとあっては、正直なところ、はじめ先妻の子らは皆、この老父の年甲斐もない色好み沙汰には不賛成なのでございます」と答えた。


"Does Iyo-no-suke think highly of his second wife ?  He might regard her reverently as Her Majesty because of her high rank," Genji said.  Kii-no-kami answered, "Exactly.  In his private life he treats her very carefully as if she were his queen.  But, no matter how unavoidable the situation is, it is a shame that such an aged man is obliged to obey the young wife who looks like his daughter.  To tell the truth, we, the children of his first wife, disagree to his lusty behavior inappropriate for his age.

S先生:全体的にまずまずですが、第1文の Her Majesty「皇后さま」や、第3文の queen「女王様」は、いくらなんでも言い過ぎなので、「自分の女主人」くらいの意味で Mistress を使うほうが良いでしょう。それから、第1文の終わりにある Genji said は said Genji のほうが普通です。

"Then, Iyo-no-suke is treating his second wife kindly ?  She is a lady of good birth, so I suppose he might take her as his Mistress."  "That is just the way he treats her.  Thinking her to be his Mistress, he is taking hearty care of her.  To be honest with you, we, the children of his former wife, are not entirely happy to see such an old man loving madly his second wife young like his daughter as if he had forgotten his age."

N君:先生の第3文 That is just the way he treats her.「もてなしっぷりときたらおっしゃる通りです」の the way は how でもよいですね。

S先生:その通りですが、ここでは just があるので how よりも the way のほうがしっくり来るでしょうね。

N君:先生の第5文 we are not entirely happy to do は「~するのはあんまり気持ちのいいものではない」という意味ですか?

S先生:そうです。これは部分否定の一つの形ですね。大修館の辞書に出ている例文を紹介しておきましょう。The explanation is not entirely satisfactory.「必ずしも納得のいくものではない」。He had never entirely recovered from the shock.「完全復活というわけではなかった」。