

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第410回 2022.5/2




To tell the truth, Kii-no-kami was a considerable lecher.  At the sight of the youth and beaty of his mother-in law, feeling that she is too good to be the second wife of his old father, Kii-no-kami deliberately brought Kogimi, her brother, here and there in order to court her.  Also on that day, Kii-no-kami took him to the Minister's villa.  Genji called Kogimi, who had just come back, and said, "I was waiting for you all day long yesterday and you have barely come back now.  You seem to make light of me."  As he made the remark witha grudge as if he were talking to his lover, Kgimi turned red and became silent.  "By the way, where is the answer from her ?" asked Genji.  Kogimi explained all about the fact that he had strived to persuade his sister only to fail.  Discouraged with the unsuccessful result, Genji said, "Ah, you are an unreliable boy.  You have disappointed me."  But soon recovering, he wrote a love letter to her again, and entrusted it to the boy.

S先生:全体的によいです。特に後半は良い。しかし第2文が硬すぎるし長すぎるしでいけません。出だし部分の At the sight of the youth and beauty of his mother-in-law, はいくらなんでも硬すぎです。Seeing young and beautiful mother-in-law, くらいで充分でしょう。ここに分子構文を使ったので、その次は He felt that she was too good to be the second wife of his old father.  というふうに、普通の文にして、一旦ここでピリオドを打ちましょう。その後は文を替えて、Recently Kii-no-kami has brought Kogimi here and there in purpose in order to ~ くらいにしてはどうでしょうか。これ以降は上手に書けていると思います。

To tell the truth, the Governor of Kii was such a lecher.  Thinking it a great pity that his old father was keeping this young beautiful lady as his second wife, he always took her brother here and there as a means of courting her.  One day Kii took the boy to the Minister of the Left.  Genji called the boy to him.  "I was waiting for you to come back all day yesterday.  But you don't seem to love me so earnestly," said Genji as reproachfully as if he were talking to his lover.  The boy flushed and fell silent.  "Where is her answer ?"  The boy told Genji all the words he had exchanged with his sister.  "What a messenger !  I am disappointed to hear your useless report."  Saying so, Genji handed him his second love letter to her.