

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第409回 2022.5/1




As Genji again called Kogimi the next day, Kogimi asked his sister to write an answer which he should take with him to Genji.  But she refused flatly, "You had better answer him that nobody in our family was to receive such a letter."  Kogimi answered with a smile, "He ordered me to hand the letter to you without fail.  I cannot give him such an impolite answer."  Unsatisfied with the boy's retort, she thought bitterly that Genji seemed to have told this boy all about the relationship between Genji and her.  She scolded, "You had better refrain from talking like a grown up.  You, an impertinent boy, don't have to go to Lord Genji."  "It's a cruel joke.  I have to visit him because he has actually called me."  Saying so, Kogimi went out to Genji's.

S先生:今日のところはよく書けています。第6文の retort「しっぺ返し」は高級な単語でした。同じく第6文の後半に出てくる this boy は her brother のほうが感じが出ると思います。第9文 It's a cruel joke. はちょっと不自然なので、You should be serious. くらいにしておきましょう。第11文末の Genji's「源氏の家」はどうでしょうか。実際源氏は自宅というより、奥さんの家=左大臣邸 に居るかもしれず、ここは簡潔に Genji としておきましょう。

The next day Genji sent for the boy again.  He asked his sister to write a reply to Lord Genji because he must pay a visit to him.  She said bluntly, "Answer him that there is no one to read his letter in our family."  The brother said, smiling, "He told me not to fail to hand this letter to you.  I can't give him such a rude answer."  Inwardly displeased to sense that Genji had told everything about his relationship to her, the sister could not but feel ashamed.  She scolded, "Don't talk as if you were an adult.  You don't have to go if you will say so."  "What ?  What are you going to say ?  I have been asked to go to him.  I can't refuse his request."  And the boy left for Genji.

N君:先生のはじめの文と最後の文に同じような for が出ています。

S先生:どちらの for も「~を求めて」の意です。はじめの文の自動詞は send「使いを送る」で、最後の文の自動詞は「その場所を離れる、出立する」の意です。研究社の辞書から例文を挙げておきます。They sent to me to come.「私に来るようにとの使いをよこした」。

N君:先生の第8文、姉君が弟を叱っている場面で You don't have to go if you will say so.「そんなことを言うならもう行かなくていい!」というセリフがあります。ここの if節内にある will はただものではない気がするのですが、いかがでしょうか。

S先生:良いところに気が付きました。この will は「どうしてもそう言い張るなら」という、強い意志=固執 みたいなものを表しています。ただの未来とか、ただの意志ではないことに気づいてほしくて黙っていましたが、よく気付いてくれました。