

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第415回 2022.5/7




Also to his sister, Genji had sent a letter to inform her of his schedule on that very day.  She said to herself, "I think it is due to his eagerness to come to see me with an enough preparation for all the public eye.  But does it make sense ?  Suppose that we shall achieve to make love actually.  What will I do then ?  It will not have any meaning to make him catch sight of my unattractive figure.  True the other day I spent a dreamy night with him, but I went through a bitter parting after that.  Tonight I am worried about the second separation, which will kill me just like a nightmare."  At the same time she felt somehow ashamed of looking forward to receiving a letter from him.  The embarrassment made her choose an unexpected act.  After Kogimi, who took the trouble to arrange the date for the two, went out from her room, she concealed herself in a waiting room of the Chujo-no-kimi along the corridor.  Leaving her own room, she said, "I cannot feel at ease here, for it is too near the bedroom of Lord Genji.  In any rate I feel so bad that I'm going to have my shoulder massaged secretly in a little distant room."  Having a secret intention for her, Genji let his men rest without wasting time.  He wrote a letter again and asked Kogimi to hand it to her.  But Kogimi was at a loss because he could not find where she had gone.  After all his effort to search for her, he could barely find her in the room near the corridor.

S先生:だいぶ腕が上がってきましたが細かいところを何か所か指摘します。第2文の an enough preparation「用意周到」は もう少し柔らかく a very careful plan でもよいですね。第3文 does it make sense ?「そんなことして意味あるの?」は、これでもよいですがもっと emotional に言うと will it make any sense ?  くらいになりますかね。第4文 Suppose that ~「~だとしてみよう」ですが、節内の shall は「万が一逢瀬を遂げたとしよう」を表現しているのでしょう。しかしこの shall は無ければないでも意味は充分伝わるでしょう。次の第5文 What will I do then ?「そしたら私はどうしたらいいの?」は will より shall のほうが良いように思います。主語が一人称ですし、「一体全体」の意を含ませる意味でも shall のほうがしっくり来ます。第8文末の kill me just like a nightmare は表現がちょっと直接的過ぎるので、make me feel as if I were dreaming a nightmare くらいにしてはどうでしょうか。最後の第17文 after all one's effort to search for her「さんざん頑張って~したあげくに」という感じの意味でしょう。その感じはよく伝わってくるのですが、やや大仰でもあるので、after a long search for her くらいでも良いと思います。全体的に大きな誤りはなく、あとは私の好みの問題、という部分が大きくなってきたような今日この頃です。

The lady had received a letter from Genji that he would come to see her.  Her heart was torn.  It was not imprudent of him to make careful preparations beforehand to visit her.  But it was meaningless to have a tryst and expose her disgraceful figure to him.  She was afraid that they might repeat that deplorable nightmare they had experienced the other night.  While thinking so, she felt embarrassed to find herself looking forward to receiving a letter from Genji.  When the boy left the room, she said to herself, "It will be rude of me to stay at this room very near to Lord Genji's bedroom.  I am not so well that I will have someone tap me on the shoulder secretly at a detatched room."  After that, she hid herself at a room of Lady Chujo.  Genji, full of a secret desire, made his servants go to bed right away.  Writing a letter to her again, he asked the boy to hand it to his sister, but she had gone somewhere.  After looking for her here and there, he found her at Lady Chujo's room.
