

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第420回 2022.5/12




While guards were sleeping untidily as usual, only Genji looked distracted and dampened.  He was vexed about her uncommonly stubborn way which was lingering before his eyes.  He thought on the one hand that she was all the more attractive for her unyielding disposition, but felt surprisingly wretched on the other.  Though he tried to give up the relationship with her, he could not forget her at all.  Again he called Kogimi and made an unreasonable order, "You had better take me with you to the place where your sister is having massage."  But no wonder that Kogimi refused the command.  He said, "I can't bring myself to accept your order.  The place you mean to go to is a very filthy small room which is crammed with a number of ladies-in-waiying."

S先生:作文の腕が上がりました。硬くて理屈っぽいところはまだ残っていますが、はじめの頃に比べると長足の進歩を遂げていると思います。第7文 You had better take me with you ~ と源氏が小君に無理な注文をしている場面ですが、N君はおそらく「had better は目上の者が目下の者に言う時の命令口調」ということを知っていて、このように作文したのだろうと思います。確かにそうなのですが、ここは源氏のわがままな感情がほとばしっている場面ですから、語数の少ない簡潔な命令文にすべきです。Take me to the place ! で充分です。with you も不要でしょう。参考書に出ているような知識よりも感情が優先される、ということです。ほかはあまり言うこともないのですが、第10文の be crammed with ~「~で寿司詰めになって」を見て思い出した言葉 cram school「詰め込み主義の学校」を紹介しておきましょう。受験生のN君には関係のある言葉でしょう。一般には予備校のことをこのように言っているようです。身につまされますね。

Genji's attendants were in a deep sleep, while he alone was distractedly lost in a negative thought.  He was irritated to see her uncommonly obstinate way against his proposal.  But he thought that it was this stubbornnes of hers that was always attracting him.  At the same time he felt terribly miserable.  Oh, never mind.  Let her do as she wished.  He was in desperation, and yet he could not resign himself to his misfortune.  Calling the boy, he said unreasonably, "Take me to her hiding place where she is having her body massaged."  The boy refused, saying, "I don't think it is a place for you to visit.  It is a very dirty room and crammed with all sorts of ladies-in-waiting."

N君:be lost in thought「思いに耽る」。resign oneself to+名詞「自分自身をして~に甘んじさせる」=「甘んじて~を受け入れる」。