

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第421回 2022.5/13




Genji, who resulted in uttering such an unreasonable thing, looked a little pitiful.  He gave a feeble answer to Kogimi, "O.K., I understand what you said.  I wonder if you might not desert me."  He lay next to Kogimi.  Hearing pleasantly his youthful and tender breathing, Kogimi was considering him as a wonderfully noble man.  Genji was also thinking that Kogimi was even prettier than his obstinate sister.

S先生:第3文 I wonder if you might not desert me. ですが、おそらくN君は丁寧な依頼を表現しようとしてこの形を選んだのでしょう。これはかなりへりくだった感じの表現で「できましたら私めを見捨てないでやってほしいのですが、、、」みたいな意味となり、源氏が小君に言うセリフとしては、下手に出過ぎていて不自然です。I hope if you won't desert me.  くらいにすると「俺を見捨てないでくれよ」という感じになると思います。この部分はむしろもっと強く、命令文にしてもいいくらいです。下に示した私の作文では、Well, you never abondon me. としました。この you は呼びかけみたいなもので、なければなくてもよい。この文が平叙の文ではなく命令文だということに気づいて下さい。

The little boy secretly felt sorry for Genji, who dared to say such a thoughtless thing.  "Well, you never abandon me."  Saying so, Genji laid himself just beside the boy.  The latter was delighted at Genji's youthful charm, while Genji found the boy much more attractive than his obstinate sister.




How far I have come through all the way of English from my first toddling steps to this decent strides, introduced by the unconditional affection of Mr.S. !  Squeezing through the narrow path he had once traced, I would like touch the real pleasure of linguistics.

S先生:うーん、これは教師としては涙腺を刺激されますね。第1文前半の steps と strides に、韻に似た面白い対比を感じます。同じく第1文後半の introduced by the unconditional affection of Mr.S. 「S先生の無償の愛に導かれて」は、さすがにこそばゆくて照れますね。guided by Mr.S's knowledge of English far from perfect くらいにしてもらいたい。第2文も感動的です。私が若い頃苦労して通った道を今またN君も通っていこうとしているのですね。若いN君の今後の健闘を祈ります。さて、歌の御礼というわけではありませんが、これまでのN君の頑張りに対して、私なりの講評を英語で書いてみたので、しっかり読んで今後の糧にして下さい。

As you say, your Enblish was unrefined and unsophisticated when you began to transelate "Chogonka(長恨歌:第1回~第60回)".  But you have made surprisingly remarkable progress in writing English day by day.  If I must point out your defect, you tend to write your English too argumentatively.  I advise you to try to write it more simply.  If you do so, you will make your English more polished.  Well, we have walked a long, long way for about several years.  Thanks to you, I have improved my ability to compose English, though a little.  Moreover, you have helped (to) prevent me from getting senile.  I appreciate for your having given me this precious chance.  Now you are planning to transelate ”One hundred poems from one hundred excellent poets".  I am afraid it may be very difficult to put it into English, because it seemes to include many classical customs in Kyoto, ancient japanese capital.  I am not sure how long I will be able to help your work owing to my old age, but I will try to as long as I can.  
