

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第418回 2022.5/10

帚木391・392・393・394:君はいかにたばかりなさむと、まだ幼きをうしろめたく待ち臥し給へるに、不用なるよしを聞こゆれば、あさましくめづらかなりける心のほどを、(源氏)もいと恥づかしくこそなりぬれ」と、いといとほしき御気色なり。とばかり物も宣はず。いたくうめきて憂しとおぼしたり。(源氏)「帚木の心を知らで園原の 道にあやなくまどひぬるかな  聞こえむかたこそなけれ」と宣へり。



Meanwhile Genji, lying on his futon, said to himself, "I am looking forward to Kogimi's smart arrangements which follows my wishes, but I am also worrying because he is a mere child."  Then Kogimi came back and reported with some embarrassment that the plan ended in failure.  What a stubborn and faithful woman she was !  He sighed, "Hearing her answer full of morals, I am fiercely ashamed of my whim."  He was discouraged as if one might have felt too sorry to see him.  He did not utter a single word.  All he could do was sighing in a gloomy mood.  Now he sent her a poem : " 'I lost my way in the forest of Hahakigi, which I hear can be seen easily in a distant view but hardly in a close view.  I was unaware of your cold heart resembling the mysterious Hahakigi.'  No longer do I have a word I should address to you."

S先生:今日のところは良くできています。面白いポイントが何か所かあるので解説していきましょう。第1文 Kogimi's smart arrangements which follows my wishes の動詞 follow は satisfy でもよいでしょう。第4文の her answer full of morals は形容詞句の後置ということでしょうが、もっと簡潔に her obstinate answer「姉君の強情な返事」でもよいでしょう。obstinate はすぐ前に出た stubborn とだいたい同じ意味です。第6文 He did not utter a single word. や、最後の第11文 No longer do I have a word I should address to you. に出てくる不定冠詞 a には「たったひとつの~でさえも」の含意がありますね。第7文 All he could do was sighing in a gloomy mood. では動名詞がいけません。この構文なら to sigh とすべきだし、もっと言えば to を除外して原形不定詞 sigh だけでもよいです。All you have to do is (to) do your best. という例文が有名です。第9文の構成は良いのですが、in a distant view と in a close view がやや不自然です。それぞれ、from a distance と from nearby に変えましょう。第12文 No longer do I have a word ~ では、否定詞 No longer に引っ張られて助動詞 do が飛び出してきています。この語順も正しく作文できました。この帚木の歌のN君英訳はなかなかのものですよ。

Genji lay in bed to wait for the boy to come back, wondering what arrangements he had made.  He was seized with some anxiety, for the boy was very young.  Presently he came back to report that he had failed in his mission.  What an obstinate and uncommon woman !  He said depressed, "I feel ashamed of myself."  It was such a painful sight that you could not see him.  For a while Genji didn't say a single word.  Feeling very dejected, he just uttered a heavy sigh.  And he sent her the following poem : "It is said that broom trees can be seen from a distance, but they disappear from sight when you walk up to them.  I have got lost on the way to Sonohara without knowing you are as cold as those magical broom trees.

N君:先生の第6文 It was such a painful sight that you could not see him.「それはあまりに気の毒な光景だったのであなたは源氏を正視できなかった」に出てくる you はどういう使われ方なのでしょうか。

S先生:突然出て来たこの you は「一般の you」とでも呼ぶべき指示代名詞で「誰も正視できないくらいに源氏はしょげかえっていた」くらいの意味になります。so A that B をいつも「とてもAなのでBした」ととらえるのではなくて、時には「BしてしまうくらいにAだった」という方向でとらえなおしてみることも大切です。