

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第411回 2022.5/3




"I guess you don't know, but your elder sister had been my lover until she got married reluctantly to the old Iyo-no-suke.  She might make light of me because of my youth and my youth and unreliableness.  I am sure she chose to marry such an ugly old man just to spite me.  However, I wish you just to consider yourself as my son, for the old man she relies on has few remaining years in this world."  Listening to Genji's irresponsible remark which was actually no better than a downlight lie, Kogimi seemed to be puzzled by the unexpected development of the situation, which made Genji smile inwardly.

S先生:だいたい良いと思いますが、第5文の which 以下は too explainatory というもので「言わずもがな」です。除外しましょう。さて第3文に she chose to marry such an ugly old man「老醜男と結婚することを選択した」という文があり、marry が他動詞として使われていてこれはこれで正しいのですが、もしも she chose her marriage というふうに名詞の marriage を使った場合にそれに続く補語をついつい with such an ugly old man としてしまう生徒が多いと思いますが、ここは with ではなくて to なので注意しておいて下さい。第4文に I wish+O+to do  の形が出ました。I wish you to come back soon. のような形でよく使われます。これに関連して、 I wish S+V  は願望の仮定法であり、I wish I knew her address.「知っていればなあ」とか、I wish I had known~「知っていたらいいのに」となります。

"Probably you don't know," said Genji.  "But I was in love with your sister before that old man married her.  We were in such an intimate relationship.  She might have thought that I was young and unreliable.  Certainly she is making light of me.  I hope you will behave like my son, for that ugly old man your sister trusts won't have many years to live."  Genji's irresponsible words made the boy think what a difficult situation they were in.  Genji was secretly amused to see the boy perplexed.

N君:辞書で調べたところによると、形容詞 intimate「親密な」はただの親密さを言うのではなくて、暗に男女の肉体関係をほのめかす親密さを表しているそうです。先生の第3文に使われた be in such an intimate relationship という表現は、このことを踏まえたものであったということですか。


