

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第408回 2022.4/30

帚木355:いと多くて、(源氏)「見し夢をあふ夜ありやと嘆く間に 目さへ合はでぞ頃も経にける ぬる夜なければ」など、目も及ばぬ御書きざまも、きりふたがりて、心えぬ宿世うち添へるける身を思ひ続けて臥し給へり。


N君:「寝(ぬ)」は自動詞で、眠る、の意。「ぬる」はその連体形です。そもそも「ぬ」は助動詞で、完了と打ち消しの鑑別が難しいのに、そこへもってきてさらに自動詞が加わるとは confuse の極致です。

In the letter Genji had written how madly he was in love with her.  She found a poem described in the most excellent masculine handwriting among those she had ever seen : "After the dreamlike tryst with you the other night, I desperately wondered whether I could not see you again.  Not knowing what to do with my agony, I have already spent several days in vain.  Since that night I have been longing for you so eagerly that I have never slept soundly."  Reading the touching passages, she could not keep her tears from dropping, which made her unable to read his letter thoroughly.  Finally she burst into tears as she recalled that serial misfortunes had hurt her career.

S先生:今日はなかなか良い出来でしたが、二つだけ言わせてもらいます。第2文後半の among those she had ever seen では those は何を指しているのか? those の前にそれらしい名詞が見当たりません。N君の気持ちとしては「素晴らしい書きぶりの手紙たち」くらいの意味なのでしょうが、those を使うからには何か具体的な名詞が必要です。思い切って among those を除外して、She found a poem described in the most excellent masculine handwriting she had ever seen とするのが良いと思います。handwriting に対して接触節としての she had ever seen がくっついている、と解釈できます。第6文後半の as節は重い。lamenting her unfortunate station in life くらいの分子構文で、軽く添えるほうが良いでしょう。station は「駅」ではなくて「身分、地位」くらいの意味です。良かった点もたくさんあります。第1文では write の目的語に how節を持ってきましたね。第3文では desperately wonder+whether節 が「切ないくらいに心配事が募っていく様子」をよく描写できている。第4文末の副詞句 in vain も「手持ち無沙汰のままに時が過ぎていった」感じをよく出している。第5文末の副詞 soundly も「ぐっすり」の感じをよく表現できました。第5文では keep+O+from doing~「Oが~しないようにする」を適切に使うことができました。ゆっくりではありますが確実に進歩しています。

In the letter Genji had written in detail.  There was a poem : "I have been wondering if I could meet you again since I dreamed about you the other night.  Days have passed.  Always thinking of you, I haven't been able to dream, much less sleep at night."  It was written in the most beautiful handwriting she had ever seen.  As she was reading the letter, she could not keep tears from welling up in her eyes.  She found it difficult to read it because of her blurred eyes.  She only wept at her unfortunate life.
