

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第405回 2022.4/27




Genji said to Kii-no-kami, "I wonder if you would let me take care of the boy, Emon-no-kami's son, whom I happened to see in your villa the other day.  I want to employ him as  my servant because he looks cute.  I will arrange for him to make a career by letting him enter the up-high room in the Palace at an appropriate opportunity."  Kii-no-kami replied, "It is very kind of you.  I will tell the good news to his sister right away."  Genji started at his sudden and unintentional remark of her name.  Hiding his dismay, he asked, "As for the boy's elder sister, does she have a baby, your brother-in- law ?"  "No, she doesn't.  Although she got unwillingly married to my father two years ago, she had been originally recommended by her parents to serve at Palace expecting to be loved by the Emperor.  Having dampened her parent's expectation, she seems to have been leading an unsatisfied life recently."  "I am sorry to hear that.  Apparently she had enjoyed a good reputation as a beautiful lady."  Unaware of Genji's probing into his interest, Kii-no-kami answered, "Well, she may not be so ugly.  Since she is my mother-in-law, I am careful not to be overfamiliar with her, which I think is the common sense."

S先生:今日のところはなかなかの出来でした。第3文に出てくる the up-high room「殿上の間」はN君の造語でしょうが、感じが出ています。むかし宣教師がアマゾンの奥地でキリストのことを分かってもらおうとして Up-high Father と言ったらしいです。それに通ずるところがありますね。第6文の start at ~「~を見て(聞いて)ギクリとする」という自動詞ですがこれは久しぶりに見ました。はじめは is startled at の間違いかと思ったのですが、started at で正解でした。もともとは「ぴくっと動く」の意で jump に近い言葉のようです。第12文の Apparently she had enjoyed ~「聞いたところでは彼女は昔~だったらしい」はちょっと違うと思います。この文だと源氏は女君に昔から興味があっていろいろ詮索していたようなニュアンスがあるので、ここはもっと淡泊に、I am told that she enjoyed ~ とするのが良いと思います。

Genji said, "Well, Kii, will you let me look after Emon-no-kami's son, whom I met by chance at your residence the other day ?  He is a very sweet boy.  I would like to have him serve me.  I think I would prepare to have him wait on the Emperor at the Palace at a proper time."  "I appreciate your kindness very much.  I would gladly tell your graceful words to his sister right now."  Kii's casual mention of the lady made Genji's heart leap.  "As for her, does she have a son, your stepbrother ?"  "No, she doesn't.  She has been married to my father these two years.  Originally her father intended to send her to Court.  Having to live up to his expectation, she seems to feel regretful and unsatisfied."  "How sad !  I hear she is a beauty.  Is it true ?"  Genji sounded out Kii casually.  Kii answered, "She might not be so plain-looking.  Needless to say, since she is a stepmother to me, I try not to be too familiar with her.  I don't know about her very well."

N君:先生の第12文 Having to live up to his expectation, ~ はどういう意味ですか。

S先生:live up to ~「~に従って生きる、~の期待を裏切らぬよう行動する」の意です。よってここは「女君は父親の期待に沿うよう行動しなければならないので」くらいの意味になります。

N君:先生の第16文 Genji sounded out Kii casually. はどういう意味ですか。

S先生:sound には「音、鳴らす」「健全な」のほかにもうひとつ「探る、測る」の意があります。探索船が海底に向かって超音波を発し反射して帰って来るのに要した時間から海深を測定している絵をイメージして下さい。よってここは「源氏はざっくばらんな形で紀伊守に探りを入れた」の意味になります。話は変わりますが、N君の作文の中で紀伊守のセリフとして、she got unwillingly married to my father two years ago という文がありますね。ここが私の作文では、she has been married to my father these two years になっています。どちらも正しい英文ですが、過去形の文には two years ago という副詞句が使われ、一方、現在完了の文には these two years という副詞句が使われていることに注目して下さい。文法問題として頻出のポイントです。