

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第384回 2022.4/6



N君:やっと話が見えてきました。この good-looking boy の姉が伊予介老人の後妻なのですね。多分60歳代 vs 10歳代 という年の差婚です。現代でも年の差婚はありますが、平安の昔からこういうことは結構あったのですね。白河上皇63歳のとき、祇園女御が連れてきた美少女たま18歳を側室にしてますからね。のちの待賢門院璋子(たまこ)です。

Genji said, "Well, it is a pathetic story.  In brief, the boy's elder sister corresponds to your mother-in-law ?"  "Yes, that's right," answered Kii-no-Kami.  "What a young mother-in-law you have had !  To begin with, the reputation that she is beautiful has reached even the Emperor.  Oh, now I recalled、、、one day He asked about the result of Emon-no-kami's offer that he would like to make his daughter serve as a lady-in-waiting at Palace.  I am surprised to know she has now settled in the position of the second wife of your father, Iyo-no-Suke.  Ah, nobody knows what may happen tomorrow."  Genji made a showy comment in a extremely mature tone.

S先生:今日の所もまずまずではありますが、硬い・大仰の悪い癖が散見されるので直していきましょう。第1文の correspond to ~「~に一致する」の意だと思いますが違和感ありです。もっと簡潔に is で充分でしょう。The fins of a fish correspond to the wings of a bird. のような文章なら be動詞よりも correspond to のほうがよいでしょうが、「あの子の姉が、君の継母にあたるの?」と言いたいときに correspond to を使うでしょうか、私は大仰だと思います。第5文の He asked about the result of Emon-no-kami's offer は少し硬いと思います。result という抽象名詞が硬さを作り出しています。He asked me about what had become of her after Emon-no-kami's offer でどうでしょうか。第6文の she has now settled in the position of the second wife of your father も、気持ちは分かりますが大仰です。she is a second wife of your old father で充分でしょう。序数に付く冠詞はここでは不定冠詞でよいです。

Genji said, "I am sad to hear that.  His sister, then, your stepmother ?"  "Yes, you are right," answered Kii-no-kami.  "You have a very young stepmother !  She has had a good reputation at Court.  I am not sure when it was, but one day the Emperor said, 'I remember Emon-no-kami having proposed to me that he would like to send his daughter to serve me.  What has become of her ?'  Now she is a second wife of Iyo-no-suke, your old father.  Umph, things are difficult to understand," said Genji with solemnity far beyond his age.

待賢門院璋子は佐藤義清(のりきよ)=西行 との恋仲としても有名です。平安後期を飾る美女で、京都市北西部の法金剛院というお寺に眠っています。目立たぬ小さなお寺ですが、京都駅から嵯峨野線に乗って駅5つくらいで行けるので訪ねてみてはいかがでしょうか。この寺はもともと清原夏野という大臣の別荘でした。平安時代の前期:清原夏野、中期:光源氏、後期:待賢門院璋子 という時代関係になります。