

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第624回 2022.12/1

古文研究法62-2 徒然草:孫晨(そんしん)は冬の月に衾(ふすま)なくて藁一束(わらひとつかね)ありけるを、夕にはこれに臥し朝にはをさめけり。唐土(もろこし)の人はこれをいみじと思へばこそ記しとどめて世にも伝へけめ。これらの人は語り伝ふべからず



Sonshin, also in the ancient China, did not have a set of futon and had only a bundle of straw.  When a hard winter came, he lay down on it at night and put it away at morning, I hear.  In China, people considered this kind of persons such as Kyoyu and Sonshin as fine.  Chinese people described the tales about them and attempt to pass down their stories to coming generations.  Definitely I think that in Japan tales about these persons wouldn't have been handed down to posterity.

S先生:良いと思います。第2文末の at morning は前半にある at night の対句として使ったのでしょうが、いけません。ここは in the morning にして下さい。このあたりはもはや理屈ではありません。強いて言うなら morning という単語が at ではなく in the を指向している、ということでしょうか。evening も同じです。

Sonshin had no bedclothes but a bandle of straw.  It is said that even in a hard winter he slept on it at night and put it away in the morning.  Thinking that such people as Kyoyo and Sonshin were worthy of praise, the ancient Chinese put their stories on record to pass them down to future generations.  They would not have been written down in Japan.