

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第611回 2022.11/18

古文研究法54-1 方丈記:もし夜静かなれば、窓の月に故人を偲び猿の声に袖をうるほす。くさむらの蛍は遠く真木の島の篝火(かがりび)まがひ、暁(あかつき)の雨はおのづから木の葉吹く嵐に似たり。山鳥のホロホロと鳴くを聞きても父か母かと疑ひ、峯の鹿(かせぎ)の近く馴れたるにつけても、世に遠去かる程を知る。あるは埋火(うずみび)をかきおこして老(おい)の寝覚(ねざめ)の友とす。



When the night is quiet enough to think of this and that, I recall the face of an old friend of mine in the moon light seen through the window, and I am apt to get sentimental by a cry of a monkey heard from the mountains.  When I see fireflies glimmering in a grassy garden, I feel as if I were looking at bonfires on Maki Island.  In the same way, the shower in the early morning resembles the wind which blows through the leaves.  The twittering of birds reminds me of my parents' voice.  Every time I find that the deer living in the top of the mountain get tame enough to come down around my cot, I notice that I am secluded from the world.  Sometimes I stir up a fire buried in the ashes.  Its warmth can comfort me because I, an old man who is liable to be awaken by a slight sound, feel lonely in the midnight.

S先生:上手に書けています。第1文後半の a cry of a monkey に違和感があるのでまずは「動物の鳴き声」について考えてみましょう。アヒルは quack、犬は bow wow、牛は moo、馬は neigh、カエルは croak、カラスは caw、昆虫は chirp、猿は gibber、雄鶏は cock-doodle doo、雌鶏は cluck、猫は mew miaow、ネズミは squeak、鳩は coo、フクロウは hoot、豚は oink。さて本文では a cry of a monkey を monkey's gibbering くらいにするのが良いと思います。第2文に feel as if S+仮定法 の形が出ており、これで正しいですが、この形に注意しながら私の作文を読んでみて下さい。

If it is a silent night, I often think of an old friend of mine in the moon light coming through the window.  I feel sentimental to hear the monkeys gibbering.  The glimmers in the thick grass look like the bonfires on Maki Island far away and the rain before dawn sounds like the wind blowing through the leaves.  When I hear the mountain birds cooing, I feel as if it were my parents' voice.  And whenever I see the deer in the mountain tame enough to approach me, I realize how unworldly I am.  Sometimes building a fire buried in the ashes, I, who am apt to wake as early as the old are, I feel like its warmth is a friend of mine.

N君:先生の第4文に I feel as if it were my parents' voice. という形が出ました。似たものとして、先生の第6文に I feel like its warmth is a friend of mine. という形も出ました。

S先生:feel as if +S+仮定法、feel like+S+直説法、というふうにとらえて下さい。表現したい内容はだいたい同じです。

N君:先生の第5文前半の whenever 節の中身はSVOC ですか?

S先生:I see the deer in the mountain tame enough to approach me.「山の鹿が近寄って来るほどに慣れたことが分かる」という文章ですが、deer=O、tame=C、ということで、おっしゃる通りSVOCです。