

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第274回 2021.12/17



N君:An endless rain forced Genji to stay idle in his room.  In such a dreary evening, the drizzle was lingering on.  The space around the Tenjou Room in the Palace was somehow deserted today and the Genji's room for night duty was filled with a more relaxing air than usual.  Lighting the wick of a candle in a standing lantern, he had nothing to do but read a Chinese book.

S先生:今回は全体的に引き締まった英文でとても良い。ただし第2文主節に一言あります。drizzle = fine rain は「小糠雨」、linger on は「いつまでもくすぶってしつこく居残っている」状態を言いますが、小糠雨がくすぶる、というのはちょっとSとVとの組み合わせが悪い気がするのです。ここはいっそのこと、「気候の it」を使って、It was still drizzling on. とするのがすっきりしていいのではないでしょうか。文末の on が「ずっと続く感じ」をかもしだしています。

Genji stayed in his room with nothing to do in particular because of a long rain.  It was a quiet evening.  There were few courtiers in the rooms of the Palace.  The night-duty woom where Genji stayed was more tranquil than usual.  He lighted a lamp and was reading a Chinese Classic without concentrating his attention on it.