

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第182回 2021.9/16



N君:However, he bore an air of a playboy and had a good looks to the extent that even women felt embarrassed.  So, everytime they met him, they considered him as a nice guy  but a boy who would be somehow risky over love affairs in the future.

S先生:第1文の始めにでてくる bear は「身にまとう、帯びる」の意ですね。次の looks ですが、a good につづく名詞としては look が良いでしょう。不定冠詞を除外するなら good looks でOKです。第2文冒頭の接続詞ですが、ふつうは every time と分けて使います。たまに everytime のこともあるようなのでN君の作文が間違いという訳ではありません。「~する時はいつも」の意で every time that ~ のように that が入る場合もありますが省略されることが多いようです。whenever よりも口語的な接続詞です。

(前回の譲歩節に続く) they were made to feel ashamed to see that he was seductively beautiful in spite of being still a child.  Nice boy as he was, they could not but feel that he was somewhat too untrustworthy to play with every time they met him.
