

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第183回 2021.9/17



N君:No wonder he was superior to others in the academic field such as Chinese literature. Moreover, in the artistic field he was so good at playing koto and flute that the courtiers were amazed at his excellent skill.  Besides that, he had multiple talents. Counting his good points on their fingers, the courtiers held somehow all the more grudge against his conspicuous abilities.  He was such a talented young nobleman. 

S先生:第2文で「楽器を演奏する」ときは慣用的に定冠詞が必要なので playing the koto and the flute としましょう。第3文冒頭の Besides that は that を除外して Besides のみでも良く、「それに加えて、その上」のような意になります。

It was taken as a matter of course that he was second to none in the Chinese classics.  Besides, as for elegant arts, he was unrivaled in playing the koto nad the flute at Court.  He was so excellent in studies, arts and so on that everyone was liable to doubt about his abilities.  Indeed, he was a rare child with nobility.

N君:今回も初見の言い回しがたくさん出てきました。第1文の It was taken as a matter of course that ~「~は当然のことと受け取られていた」は決まった言い方なのですね。be second to none in ~「~にかけては誰よりすごい」を見て、最上級の言い換えにもいろいろあるんだなあとつくづく思いました。第2文の as for 「~に関しては」はたまに見たことがあります。be unrivaled in ~ の unrivaled は過去分詞ではなくて形容詞です。並ぶものがないくらいに無比だという意味ですね。第3文の be liable to do は「~しやすくて、~する傾向があって」のような意で be apt to do と似ているなあと思いました。最後の nobility は「高潔」とか「貴族の身分」のような意味です。今回も色々と勉強になりました。