

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第342回 2022.2/23



N君:Then he took out a flute from his inside pocket, played it faintly and went on to sing Saibara sweetly, "When you travel on your horse, Asukai will be an appropriate place for lodging because the coolness under the trees, the freshness of the cold water and the delicious hay will delight the horse、、、."  Probably the song implied his wish to stay there.  Responding to his call, she accompanied his flute and song gracefully with her Koto, which seemed to be meticulously tuned in advance.  Her technique was prominent.  Since the song happened to be composed with the melody of Ritsu, it matched with the serene moonlight just at the time.  She used tender tones in accordance with the Ritsu sound.  When they filtered out through the bamboo curtain, he seemed to be very touched by the modern sound.

S先生:第1文に go on to do が出ましたが、go on doing との違いを確認しておきましょう。大修館の辞書によると、go on doing は文字通り「~し続ける」で、I went on reading all through the night.「徹夜で読み続けた」のように使いますが、go on to do は「Aをやっていたが、続けて、Bへ移る」という感じで、He went on to say that ~「続けて彼は~と言った」というふうに使います。原文ではこの男が「まず笛を懐から取り出して吹き、続けて、歌った」のですから、go on to do で正解です。第2文の because節の中味ですが、主語が重すぎていけません。いろいろなやり方があると思いますが一例を、下記の私の作文に示したので参考にして下さい。第4文に accompany「伴奏する」が出ましたが実際に使う時には、She accompanied the singer on the piano.  のように、S+accompany+合わせる対象+on+楽器 という構成になることが多いので気を付けましょう。on の所は with でも間違いではないが、on の方が無難です。

Taking a flute out of his inside pocket, he began to play it long and faintly, and sang a Saibara in a sweet voice ; 'Stay at Asukai, where the shadow of trees and cold water will make you comfortable and good fodder will please your horse.'  Probably he was asking her to let him stay with her.  Then she played her well-tuned Koto very skillfully to his flute and song.  The sweet sound made you enraptured.  The note of Ritsu happened to be used in the song.  The soft tone of her Koto came gently through a bamboo blind.  Since the melody was modern, it was just fit for the clear moonlight.

N君:fodder「家畜の飼料、たとえば hay, oats」。第3文の to は「~に合わせて」の意ですね。enrapture「うっとりさせる」で、rapture「有頂天」を知っていたので何となく意味は分かりました。ちなみに rupture「破裂」です。