

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第541回 2022.9/10

古文研究法6 源氏物語帚木(ははきぎ):もとよりさる心を交はせるにやありけむ、この男いたくすずろきて簀子(すのこ)に尻かけてとばかり月を見る。菊いとおもしろく移ろひわたりて、風に競(きほ)へる紅葉の乱れなど、あはれとげに見えたり。懐なりける笛取り出でて吹き鳴らし「影も良し」など謡ふほどに、良く鳴る和琴をうるはしくかき合はせたりしほど、奇(け)しうはあらずかし。



I supposed that the man and the woman had promised in advance to make a tryst in this way.  Trying to control his throbbing with his hips settled on a sort of veranda, he was watching the moon for a while.  Chrysanthemums were in bloom with their color changed utterly by the cold frost.  Crimson leaves from maple trees were being scattered incessantly by the autumn wind.  The beautiful scene beyond description seemed to touch him deeply.  Taking out a flute kept in his bosom and playing it, he sang a song in which the beauty of moonlight was appreciated.  The way she accompanied his song with her fine Japanese harp was very good.

S先生:以前の作文に比べると肩の力が抜けてとても良い感じになりました。最後の文の with は on のほうが良いかもしれません。

They must have promised to meet each other beforehand.  Sitting restlessly on something like a veranda, the man was watching the moon for a while.  The chrysanthemums were in full bloom.  The maple leaves already discolored, scattering wildly in the wind as if they were trying to fall faster than the others.  Taking out a flute from inside his clothes, he began to play it and sang a song, "How bright and beautiful the moon light is !"  The woman played the Koto with a beautiful tone to his flute.  The timbre of both the instruments sounded fantastic.

N君:今回のS先生の作文では「前置詞使い」が勉強になりました。第5文の from inside his clothes では前置詞の重なりがありました。第6文には to「~に合わせて」がでました。timbre「音色」。