

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第61回 2021.5/18

桐壺1: いづれのおほん時にか、女御更衣(にょごこうい)あまた侍ひけるなかに、いとやむごとなききはにはあらぬが、すぐれて時めき給ふ、ありけり。


N君:有名な滑り出し。時めき給ふ、が連体形で次に名詞が隠れているというのがミソですね。「良い家の出」は be born + 補語  で表現します。辞書によると、この補語のところは名詞でも形容詞でもOKで、たとえば He was born French とか He was born intelligent とかの形で使われます。

It was long long ago.  I am not sure which Emperor reigned over the country.........  There were lots of ladies who were ranked as Nyogo or Kohi in the Palace.  Among them the Emperor loved only one lady, Kiritsubo-no-Kohi, though she was not born particularly aristocratic.


Well, it was a long, long time ago.  I do not know which Emperor it was that reigned over the country.  There were a lot of ladies ranked as "Nyogo," or "Kohi" in the Palace.  Among them there was a lady called "Kiritsubo no Kohi," whom the Emperor loved more than anyone else, though she was not from a high rank family.

N君:which Emperor it was that節 の展開が新鮮でした。形式主語を用いた一種の強調構文ですよね。それと最後のところ、she was not from....の形もすぐ出るようにしておきたい。be born + 補語  と思い込むのは禁物。