

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第75回 2021.6/1



N君:Therefore, when He made a visit to KIritsubo-no-Kohi, it was inevitable that He passed through many Princesses' rooms without greeting.  To make matters worse, He did it so frequently.  No wonder the Princesses  were very much hurt by His behavior. 

S先生:この状況で「おまけに」の訳として To make matters worse は絶妙でした。

So when He went to see her, He had to pass through many rooms where Nyogo and Kohi lived.  And as He did so very often, it was natural that many of the ladies were displeased with His imprudent behavior.

N君:prudent は「慎重な、分別のある」の意で、careful, discreet, deliberate や wise に近い形容詞なので imprudent はその反対ということになります。deliberate は第76回にも出てきます。