

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第172回 2021.9/6



N君:The next spring the young Prince, the second boy, became four.  Even when the Crown Prince was designated, the Emperor was inclined to give the post to the second boy born from Kiritsubo-Kohi, not to the first boy from Kokiden-no-Nyogo, but the former did not have a reliable guardian.  If He were obsessed to assert such an unreasonable plan, people would not accept it and the situation would be worse for the boy's future.  Guessing the situation, He refrained from talking about that.  The coutiers whispered to each other, "Although His Majesty favored the second boy to such an extent, He could not do as He wished."  Then Kokiden-no-Nyogo was relieved to hear the rumor.

S先生:第2文で a boy born from ~ としたいのはわかるがここは from でなくて of にしてください。根源や出所を表す時に普通は from でOKなのですが、いまだに of が生き残っている場合があってここもそうです。a boy born of ~ のほうが良いというくらいで from が全くダメというわけではありません。第3文ですが be obsessed to do という言い方は感心しません。やはりオーソドックスに be obsessed by ~ とか be obsessed with ~ のような定型が良いでしょう。ここでは with が良いと思います。

The next spring the young Prince became four years old.  When the time came to decide  whom He should name as a Crown Prince, the Emperor wanted to desinate the second Prince as one, passing over the first, but the former had no influential guardians.  If He did not take a proper procedure, the courtiers would not accept His wrong way.  So He did not dare to tell anyone of His wish, afraid that it would make the boy all the more unhappy.  The courtiers whispered to one another that even the Emperor, who had a deep affection for His second son, could not proceed with things as He wanted to, while the Lady Kokiden was very relieved to hear the rumor.

N君:第2文の one = Crown Prince,  the former = the second boy ですね。第5文の proceed with things as He wanted to を見て気付いたことがふたつあります。第1は proceed が自動詞であったこと。第2は wanted to のあとにおそらく do が隠れていてこれが昔聞いた代不定詞なのだろう、ということ。東大の文法問題なんかで proceed things as He wanted to のような文が与えられて、正誤を問われそうな気がします。その時 with の必要性に気付けるかどうかが問題です。