

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第36回 2021.4/23

長恨歌 その36: 鴛鴦瓦冷霜華重 翡翠衾寒誰与供




It is cynical that the roofing tile shaped into a couple of lovebirds gets cold in the evening chill and gains weight with a heavy frost.  A set of futon decorated elegantly with the quilt of a kingfisher is cold, too.  With whom should He lie down on the bed?

S先生:第1文1後半の gains weight は言い過ぎかもしれないので is covered でどうでしょうか。第3文はこの形でも良いし、Who should He lie down on the bed with? というのでもOKです。この場合は whom ではなく who が使われます。

The mandarian duck tiles, which seem sarcastic to Him, are cold, and a heavy frost has fallen on them.  Ah, there is no one to lie with Him on the chilly bedchothes embroidered delicately with the feathers of kingfishers !

N君:反語疑問とか難しい事を考えずとも、Ah から始めて ! で終われば充分 emotional になりますね。embroider は刺繡するの意で、初見でした。