

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第842回 2023.7/8

古文研究法152-5 蕉風:うづくまる薬のもとの寒さかな



While I was attending my sick mentor Basho all through the night, I smelled a decocted herb when I was forced to squat down by mental and physical fatigue.  I felt the coldness of the night simultaneously.  It was also the coldness invading into my heart. 


Basho, a master of haiku, was at his death bed.  We were attending him all night.  I was so uneasy and tired that I crouched down beside the fireplace.  When I smelled the scent of decocted herbs, I felt more serious.  The cold night made my mind still colder.

N君:先生の第5文に出て来た still は「いまだに、今もそのまま」ではないような気がします。

S先生:この still は more と同じで「なおいっそう」の意味です。