古文研究法143-2 笈の小文(おひのおぶみ、松尾芭蕉)より:かの三月(さんげつ)の糧(かて)を集むるに力を入れず。紙子(かみこ)・綿子(わたこ)などといふもの、帽子(まうす)・したうづやうのもの、心々に送り集(つど)ひて霜雪の寒苦を厭(いと)ふに心なし。あるは小船を浮かべ別墅(べっしょ)にまうけし草庵に酒肴携へ来たりてゆくへを祝し名残(なご)りを惜しみなどするこそ、ゆゑある人の門出するにも似たりと、いとものめかしく覚えられけれ。
According to an old tradition, people gathered food for three months before they set off on a long trip. But this time I didn't have to struggle to raise money for a trip. Each friend of mine presented me with a paper-made winter outfit, a cotten-padded garment, a hat and some pairs of sox. So I had no anxiety about how I keep out the cold of winter. One set a small boat afloat on a stream, one prepared a party in his villa, and one called on me with some drinks and side dishes to pray the safety of my trip. They were so reluctant to part from me that I felt as if I were a person of high position. Touched by their kind support, I was glad.
S先生:第4文の how I keep out the cold of winter「冬の寒さをどうやって凌ぐか」も良いですがちょっと重いので how to stand the cold of winter「冬の寒さにどうやって耐えるか」などに変えたいところ。第5文の on a stream よりも in the river のほうがしっくりくると思いました。また第5文以下の主語に one の三連発が見られますが、これでは「別れを惜しんでくれたのはたった3人だった」のようにも受け取られてしまいそうなので、以下の私の作文に示したように some の三連発のほうがよいと思いました。
The people in the past are said to have prepared food for three months before they started for a journey. But I didn't have to take the trouble to raise my travel expenses. Most people around me were kind enough to present me with paper-made winter clothes, padded garments, headgears and socks. Thanks to those goods, I would be able to bear the winter cold. Some people entertained me on a small boat in the river, some held a banquet at their villa, and some brought drinks and food to my house. Hating to part from me, they prayed that I might make a peaceful journey. I felt that I was treated as if I were a person of high rank.
N君:present+人+with+物 という形は with を入れ忘れそうなので注意したいです。