

オリジナル勉強風呂Gu 第786回 2023.5/13

古文研究法134-1 井原西鶴「万の文反故(よりづのふみほぐ)」より:ここもと珍しき干松茸(ほしまつたけ)一袋下されかたじけなく存じ候(さふらふ)。さりながら御心入れ満足に存ぜず候は、我らこのへまかり下りし申し候は早十二・三年以前にまかりなり候、つひに御状も下されず候。私方よりはその時分四・五度も書中に申し上げ候へども一度も御返事なく、世の義理といふ事おかまひなされず今また御用の儀に文(ふみ)下され、当方満足に存ぜぬ候。総じて人に無心言ふ前には(ねんご)ろに仕掛け、または音信物(いんしんもの)をつかひ、さまざま軽薄言ふ事、上方(かみがた=京大阪)の風儀に御座候。関東はなかなかさやうの当座さばき合点(がてん)いたさぬ所に御座候。



Thank you for giving me a bag of dried matsutake mushrooms.  However, I cannot show you my profound gratitude.  Although I got to know you 12 or 13 years ago when I went to Edo from Osaka, I have never received even one letter from you since then.  At that time I wrote letters four or five times to ask you for your help.  But you didn't show any reaction at all.  In spite of having neglected social duty, this time you shamelessly wrote a letter to make an application for a loan, which I cannot accept.  Generally speaking, it is the custom in Osaka to have a consultation to the people in advance with some presents or compliments when you have a request to them.  I guess the people in Edo are so cold-hearted that they make light of such cheep tricks which can only attract a temporary attention.


I express to you my gratitude for sending me a pack of dried mushrooms difficult to get.  It might be rude of me, but I can't accept your kindness.  Though it is twelvw or thirteen years since I came to Edo from Naniwa, you have never written a letter to me.  I have asked you to lend me some money by letter four or five times, but you have been unfaithful to me without answering at all.  Nevertheless, you have sent a letter to me, asking me for a loan abruptly.  How rude you are !  I am not so simple-minded as to accept your impudence.  Generally speaking, when they make a request to a person, the people in Naniwa make it a rule to negotiate secretly in advance, give a present and say pretty things, while the people in Edo usually ignore such cunning tricks easy to see through.