古文研究法53 枕草子:清水(きよみず)に籠(こも)りたりしにわざと御使ひして賜はせたりし唐(から)の紙の赤みたるに、草(そう)に「『山近きいりあひの鐘の声ごとに 恋ふる心の数は知るらむ』ものを、こよなの長居や」とぞ書かせ給へる。紙などのなめげならぬも取り忘れたる旅にて、紫なる蓮(はちす)の花びらに書きて参らす。
When I had confined myself to Kiyomizu Temple for a religious training, Chugu Teishi took the trouble to make a messenger bring a letter for me, which was written in the running style of Japanese letters on a reddish paper made in China : "While every toll heard in the twilight near the mountains reminds me of you, you should realize that I am wanting to see you. Nevertheless you are staying long in the temple this time." I came here in a hurry without carrying a decent piece of paper to write an answer. Therefore I wrote a reply to Chugu Teishi on a purple petal of a lotus flower.
S先生:第1文の take the trouble to do 「わざわざ~する」は適切に使われています。全体的にまずまずですが、細かい部分で色々あります。同じ第1文の a reddish paper は a sheet of reddish paper のほうが良いでしょうし、第3文の a decent piece of paper の piece も sheet のほうが良いと思います。それから和歌の部分ですが、While every toll heard in the twilight near the mountains reminds me of you, you should realize that I am wanting to see you. というのはちょっと硬い。後半の主節部分はこのまま独立して残すとして、前半の従属節部分をたとえば、I yearn for you every time I hear the evening tolls of a temple near the mountains. くらいに変えてみてはどうでしょうか。
I once kept staying at Kiyomizu Temple to hold a Buddhist service, when Princess Teishi sent a message to hand me her letter. It was written on a sheet of reddish Chinese paper : "Whenever I hear the evening prayer bell of a temple near the mountains, I miss you very much. I think you know very well how much I want to see you. But why are you staying there so long this time ?" When I came here, I forgot to bring sheets of paper of good quality which I should use in writing to Princess Teishi. So I used purple lotus petals to write a reply to her.
N君:先生の第1文に出て来た when 節は普通の副詞節とちょっと違うような気がしますが、、、、
S先生:難しく言うと関係副詞継続用法といいます。平たく言うとほとんど and と同じで、そのまま訳し下っていけばよいです。
N君:先生の第5文に出て来た in writing to Princess Teishi はどういう意味ですか?
S先生:in ~ing「~する際に」という意味です。例をあげましょう。You should be careful in crossing the street. この文の後半を when you cross the street. と書くよりも in crossing the street. のほうが軽くて好感が持てますね。